Monday, April 2, 2012

Where else do you crave Lingonberry juice?

I truly look forward to trips to Ikea, but is it irrational? Let's examine!

- It's not convenient for me to get to. I pretty much live in the Bermuda Triangle of Ikeas - being roughly an hour away from 4 of them.

- I find myself getting a sudden urge to drink Lingonberry juice, having no idea what it is.

- How many home stores do you have the opportunity to take a "fika" break? (this is apparently Swedish for coffee  and I used the phrase all afternoon).

- The store is set up in such a way that you have to walk through every section. Even though there are short cuts, it feels like cheating. Must. Walk. With. Arrows.

- Ever yearn for shelving? If you answered "no", you've probably never been to an Ikea.

- The Mac N Cheese is pretty awesome too FYI.

- I end up buying mostly nonsense that I have no real need for (but it seems like such a great idea at the time). You haven't truly lived until you impulse-buy a bag of rocks to put in a vase.

- The all important question of, "Will it fit in the car" comes up every time, and every time it all manages to squeeze in. Those Swedes are sneaky.

- The inevitable construction trials and tribulations is a common theme when talking about Ikea, but God forbid a part is messed up in some way - then you just bought yourself another trip to Ikea, which I did on Saturday.  (No Flicka break this time though)

- Final verdict, Mac N Cheese cures all ills. I'll be back for more shelving soon.

Drive Slow.


  1. You forgot to mention how they lure the consumers into buying nonsense with the smell of the cinnamon rolls! That is killer!

  2. They gave out free cinnamon rolls on Saturday. I was helpless.
