Monday, April 9, 2012

Dollar Shave Club Review

The membership pack
 I, like many of you out there, was impressed with the start up video that the Dollar Shave Club produced. So impressed, that I signed up to join the club, choosing the midpoint razor which priced out at $6 for a 4 blade plan (4 cartridges/month). I knew the base model would leave my face looking I just got in a fight, but wasn't ready to pony up $9 on the basis of a funny video.

My kit arrived about 2 weeks ago and I've had a couple of shaves to properly assess the 4x option aka "The Lover's Blade". In my envelope was a pack of blades, a handle and a membership card. On the card, it noted that I was entitled to a free beer at any bar with my membership, but lower on the card, that they were just kidding. Rats. Funny addition though, way to keep it interesting.

The handle itself has a nice weight to it, heavier than my Gillette handle which is a good thing. There is no caddy with the guy like my Fusion, but it lives in my toothbrush holder just fine for now.

Now to the important part, the shave.

My selection, not bad
I lost roughly the same amount of blood as I do with my Gillette razor. So that's a push. I am cursed with sensitive skin, and despite years of trying to toughen it up, I've embraced my gentle face and prep with pre shave face wash and "Art of Shaving" shaving cream. Pretty nice stuff, but it ain't cheap.

As far as quality of shave, it was good. I missed my little detail blade on the Fusion as it makes leveling out the ol' side burns a bit easier, but this isn't a huge deal. I'd say I got about 90% of the quality with this razor as I do with my Fusion in terms of having to go back over areas and comfort. This leaves me at a bit of a crossroads. 

While I'm happy with the product overall, I'm not wowed by it. The cost benefit is pretty close - it's substantially cheaper (and funnier) than Gillette, but the shave I get is not quite as good. I'm upgrading to the "Executive" which has 6 blades for $9/month to see how it stacks up, as this is still cheaper. I may not "shave" as much money as I had originally hoped, but it's still the most fun I've ever had buying razors.

Has any one else tried them out?

Drive Slow

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