Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Proper Parking Lot Etiquette

Maybe I'm on the wrong side of this one, but I don't think so. People need to stop acting like animals in parking lots. If it's not abandoning shopping carts, it's people waiting in the middle of a row with their turn signal on. Let's just all agree to make some easy reforms. Feel free to agree or disagree in the comments section.
Had this person not backed in...

Backing into parking spaces
This practice drives me a little bit crazy, but more than that it's confusing to me. Why drive past a spot, then back into it? It only serves to get me excited for 3 seconds until I see your backup lights flash on. Rarely does this person get in the space smoothly and really, it's a parking lot - don't tell me it's safer to leave a spot when you're already facing out.

Waiting for a parking space with the turn signal on
I fully endorse the "Costanza" (reserving a spot with your turn signal), but if you have been waiting for said spot for more than 5 seconds, please move along. Perhaps walking an extra 20 feet wouldn't be such a bad thing given the state of our country's fitness level. I can make an exception for malls around the holidays - but even then I may grumble a bit.

Not putting shopping carts in the corral
Is there anything worse?
 If there is one thing that puts me over the edge, it's pulling into a parking space and finding a cart sitting in the spot. Not only is this lazy, but it is potentially dangerous! A few weeks ago I had just finished watching "Unstoppable" (the Denzel Washington movie about a runaway train) and while walking from my car to the front of the grocery store, saw a shopping cart rolling down the aisle unattended. Thinking to myself, WWDD? What would Denzel do?  I sprung into action and took off after said cart, catching it just before it struck a Toyota Corolla. I felt like a folk hero, but unfortunately no one was cheering for me, and my wife was left standing in the row totally confused as to why I had just sprinted in the opposite direction of the supermarket.

What parking lot situations drive you crazy? Or am I just the crazy one here?

Drive Slow


  1. Remember the car saving moment we saw at the Target parking lot up by my Aunt and Uncle's house when we were picking up the car to go to SB? That was heroic.
