Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An Ad that Shows Both Sides of Running

Running is a very polarizing sport. Some people really love it. We like to call those people insane. Some, myself included, have a more complex relationship with the sport - let's say that this group "tolerates" it. We know it's good for us, when we are in a groove or when we finish, we feel good about it - but it's not a "love" situation.

Nike's new Advertisement for their Nike Free shoes depicts a couple literally running to each other. The gal is coming from Los Angeles and the guy is in New York City. They are singing about their journey, the girl in pink Nikes, the guy in another running shoe. The girl is the typical "loves to run" sort of person. There is sunshine all around her, it looks effortless and the only thing missing are song birds landing on her shoulder.

The guy - I'm this guy. He starts out excited, drinks a raw egg like "Rocky" (people actually do this?) and heads out at breakneck speed. HE LOVES TO RUN! RARRRRRRRRR!

Soon though, as is oft to happen, he feels a cramp. Then he slows down. Then he feels like vomiting.

The ad is really about how running in Nike shoes help the girl run from LA to NYC, while the guy not wearing Nike shoes ends up passing out in Washington Square under the arch and ending up in a hospital, never getting out of New York.

Ok, so the message is, "wear Nike shoes, and you'll have a better run". Got it. But  I just like the fact that this ad is showing both ends of the running spectrum. Not all of us are awesome at running like this girl - but that's alright - just get out there and give it a shot. Just try to not hurt yourself!

Drive Slow


  1. I like when ads are replaced by entertaining stories. This was actually relevant and enjoyable to watch.

  2. Kind of reminds me of the Moldy Peaches...Cute!

  3. she didn't change outfits once!!
