Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NYC Marathon Training Week 2

It is way to hot for this non-sense!

Last week, filled with 4th of July fun, family visits and the like made for a challenging week to stay with the training program, but I hung in there! I did spinning as my cross training once and did my long run on the treadmill (4 miles). Early on in the program, my long runs are a bit shorter, so I was able to avoid the 100 degree heat thankfully.

Nothing gets me moving like a good Amber and Gary fight
Training in the summer can be a real challenge, especially last week when the temperatures were legitimately dangerous to work out in. Ideally you get out early in the morning or late in the evening - but a) I was way too tired to get up early this Sunday (lame excuse, I know) and b) it was still scorching hot later in the evening. So I went to the gym. Running on the treadmill isn't the best for a number of reasons - but safety first. Here are some things I do to try to make my treadmill runs a bit more realistic.Completely unscientific, but seems to work for me.

1. Vary the speed. Not crazy, but pick up the pace from time to time, slow it down as well. Not moving is mind numbing enough - going the same pace for an extended period of time puts me to sleep.

2. Set a slight incline. I've been told this helps model wind resistance. I dunno, sure, why not?

3. Don't flip the channels on the TV if at all possible.Find something to watch and forget about it. I'm guilty of this, but it is more important to focus on your run than what is happening on Teen Mom. Let it go. I'll try too. Maybe. Unless Amber and Gary are fighting, then no promises.

Tonight is an easy 4 mile run and this weekend's run goes to 6 miles. Gotta get after it!

Drive Slow

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

NYC marathon training: Week 1

Welcome back all! I hope everyone has been doing well in spite of some pretty nasty heat as of late.

Enjoying a sunny Friday in NYC
In the last week, I've begun my official training for the NYC marathon. If I'm going to be honest, it's been a slow start. Between a busy week at work, finishing a course and starting a new one at NYU and having family visit, getting in my runs has been a challenge. I was short on time this weekend, but I was able to get out and run a few miles before we had to get going. What I've been able to control (eating right, exercising when I can, taking the stairs, walking more), I've done well. It's all about changing your mindset to focus on healthy living.

On Friday, I was in New York with my sister and her husband for a fun day in the city. We just cruised around and enjoyed a day off. Getting in a run wasn't an option, but I was able to do the next best thing - walk a ton. When it was time for me to meet up with the Mrs in midtown, I walked from Soho to see her (this is not close FYI). By the end of the day, I had walked over 10 miles according to my Fit Bit.

Tracking everything with the Fit Bit and "Lose it" has worked out great in my pre-training period. I dropped 9 lbs since mid-May, and feel strong as I begin to ramp up. Almost half way to my "fighting weight" goal.

This weekend I'll do a 5 and 6 mile run, and with some time off at the end of the week, I'll be getting in my mid week workouts with no trouble. The key is to not ramp up too fast though - so be sure to listen to your body.

Drive Slow